Undercurrents by Teresa Young |
Recently, I have been picked to become one of the artists whose work is available through ArtBomb, a Canadian online auction site for Canadian art.
is a carefully curated, subscriber-based daily online auction featuring artwork
by Canadian art stars. Launched in December, 2011, ArtBombDaily.com is a brand
new, successful way for artists to market and sell their work to thousands of
potential buyers.
ArtBomb is a service that delivers one email featuring one to
three artworks into subscribers’ inboxes every morning - seven days a week.
Bidding opens with a starting bid at 6 a.m. and closes at 11 p.m. at which
point the highest bid wins the piece. All works are delivered ready to hang.
ArtBomb is coast to coast across Canada with outstanding curators in each
region working hard to find the stars of the local scene. Through their
experienced eyes, ArtBomb highlights an incredible array of exciting new pieces
everyday: paintings, prints, photography, sculpture, drawing and mixed media.
It's ArtBomb’s goal to make it easy to access incredible Canadian art. We're
working hard to keep ArtBomb fresh and relevant.