On Sunday, as I was driving up the length of Nova Scotia, Canada back to where I live and I had an experience that shocked me.
It highlighted something for me that I knew in theory, but didn't realize emotionally...
There's a major difference between reality and what we see when we are being entertained.
I was driving with a friend, and was in the passenger seat and it was about 7 PM in the evening. It was still bright daylight, and we were singing along with a CD.
I am one of those odd people that looks up. Did you ever notice in the movies that noone looks up?
Anyway, I saw a man on the overpass sighting down a rifle right at me!
I looked up as I saw his movement of the rifle from my passenger over to me...
Since I served five years in the military I am very conversant with the body language of someone sighting through a rifle. Although I must admit, I don't remember looking down the barrel before!
He was bundled up in a beige winter jacket that was obviously being used to obscure him and what he was doing. I was initially trying to resolve it into a camera, but I couldn't, faced with my personal experien
ce and artist's eye, it was definitely a rifle. With a scope.
We went so fast, it was a highway, and by the time we got to the next exit, he would have been gone. Because two of us saw him, you can't take out two witnesses at once, so that probably saved my life...
What a feeling. And I play video games, where I am in battles and danger constantly.
I tend to watch crime shows, and I've always been an action movie fan...

The feeling is like a bottom dropping out of what you know is true and everything is up in the air. You know what is real, and it's not what you thought it was...
Very heady stuff. I wouldn't want to experience it again, that is for sure. Although, I had that feeling once before, in backwoods New Brunswick.
Twenty years ago, my ex husband and I were checking out logging roads trying to find good beaver dams to fish trout from. He had gotten permission from the landowners who lived out of the area to check out the roads, of course, so it was all in good fun. And great fishing, of course!
We had one of those old Ford Broncos, with the locking hubs and four wheel drive capability. So when we saw the road we wanted, and I jumped out an locked the hubs. I wasn't hard on the eyes then and whoever lived in the trailer across the road must have seen me...
We drove back into the forest for forty minutes, didn't find the fishing spot and came back out... When we came to within a mile of the main road, there were three trees freshly cut down across the road! And it was dusk and I had the weird feeling we were being watched very, very closely.

As he walked past the truck, he lifted the rifle in the air as if in salute and waved at me... After that, the watched feeling disappeared, he moved the trees and we carried on our merry way.
I think I've had enough drama in my life now... Maybe I'll watch more cheerful TV shows now.
It would be interesting to hear if anyone else had a weird experience like that, please comment if you have a story to tell!
Wikipedia - 1,3, 4, and 5. 2. Toulouse and Nina Munteanu at Barrington Bay, NS, 6. The Trickster by Teresa Young - Feb. 2009.
Wow...very weird experience, indeed, Teresa...
I can so relate to what you said: "you kkow what is real, and it's not what you thought it was..."
Readers can get my version of this encounter here: http://sfgirl-thealiennextdoor.blogspot.com/2010/03/mozarts-radio-and-man-with-gun.html
Wishing you well, my good friend,
Thanks Nina! Always great to have a comment;-)
I enjoyed your version of events as well;-)
I'm just glad I stayed in Nina's backpack... Like the quiet poet in the back seat, I saw nothing!...
Ton ami,
Toulouse :-3
Actually, didn't Toulouse stay in the backpack because it muffled our singing?
Numpang Bikin Blog
This "shooter", sure isn't the kind of guy you want at a wedding ceremony.
True! Thanks for all the comments everyone;-)
So, I had TWO reasons to stay in the backpack then... :-3
Well, poet from the back seat...what was your excuse? (Weren't you one of the people singing?)
ton ami,
Toulouse :-3
Wow, and you think you are safe driving down the highway in your own vehicle. I'm glad he decided not to shoot. I like you alll too much for that. Even the stuffed cat (gasp).
Thanks nbgirl! I agree, it's like you enter the twilight zone without warning;-)
Thanks for commenting!
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