Her name is Nikki and she's a pretty ordinary tabby, as far as tabbies go, in that she lives in my house and never goes outside except to see her 'friend' the vet or to move to a new house.

The 2000's weren't much different for her either, she didn't discover new music groups that she liked or pare down her lifestyle to make herself 'lean and mean'... In fact, that cat gained weight as the decade went on! So much for 'doing less with more', Nikki didn't get the last decade at all!

For the first year of her life she never made a single sound at all other than scratching the appliances to hear the sound of her claws or shaking her tail on plastic to hear it rattle!
I used to call her the 'Mime cat' because it was pretty funny to see a cat go through the motions of meowing with no audio track turned on. Mind you, there does seem to be some sort of cosmic compensation going on here, as you can hear that cat purr from across the room!
Later on in life, she figured out ways to get around the sound issues a bit...
Now she stretches her neck up to finally get a strangled sort of drawn out meow out when she really feels the need to be heard... Sort of a cat version of baying at the moon.
Did you ever stop and think about cats? I'm convinced that they see the world very differently than we do, they're pretty sure that they own us and we are staff!
On top of that, I have a sneaking suspicion that my cat thinks that the level of service has degraded in recent years... She was pretty annoyed by moving from the west coast of Canada out to the east coast. Nowadays, if you bring out a box and start packing it, she'll look at you like she'd like to give you a little bite to get you to stop...
I don't blame her though, I figured it out recently and over the last seventeen years, she's moved approximately half a dozen times. For a cat, that's a lot, they aren't the most flexible pets... Especially if you consider that she's made the trip by truck across Canada four times!
I remember a funny joke circulating the Internet years ago that I thought was hilarious... The joke was showing what went on in the minds of dogs and cats with regards to how they see their lives...
--> For the dog, it was all oh boy, a walk, my favourite! Oh boy, dog food, my favourite! Oh boy... You get the idea...
For the cat, it read like a conspiracy novel! 
Images by Teresa Young:
1. Tiger Tracks -Apr.2004, 2. Nikki Smiles - 2009, 3. Nikki in her natural state - 2009, 4. Howling (Yawning) at the moon - 2009, 5. Nikki's Self Image - May 2010.
LOL! My last cat looked like a midget tiger but was far from "tigerish"; he was the most timid cat I know (well, bar one that I am trying to make friends with right now, rather innapropriately named "Tarzan" LOL!)...
It brings to mind the dog we owned when I was a kid: we'd named him Prince at first, but after seeing his tendency for eating socks, rubbing himself in the dirt and chasing after postmen and cats while whining, we renamed him Foxi... :)
So, what's with the name, Teresa? Why Nikki?
p.s. that's a gorgeous sketch of Nikki's self image, by the way... :)
Maybe we need to stop naming tomcats with macho names and called them something like Mr. Sparkles or Fluffy... Then the only direction to go is up! LOL!
Anyway, I didn't name Nikki, I wanted to call her Squirrel or something descriptive like that, but she took what she got and made do...
Poor thing, I think she's gotten more nick names because she's misnamed. One of which is nickerbockers, can you imagine? LOL!
Thanks for the comment on the sketch, I'm pretty sure I captured her internal image very well there;-)
I Really liked this post. It makes us think about our pets. Teresa, you are right about moving a pet or several pets arcoss Canada, they become very upset over their structure being disturbed. Then they get into a huff.
Thanks Dar! And huff is the right word alright, cat's are Diva's at heart;-)
Mr. Sparkles????? Oh dear...cela n'est pas agréable... We cats are dignified creatures and I can see that Nikki, particularly, is a "lady"...
Please, please, please... DO reconsider before you think of naming your feline friend something you wouldn't name yourself! (on the other hand, I wouldn't want to get in the way of name jollies, if that's your "thing"...) :-3
...à chacun leur propre ... ;-3
Hi Toulouse!
YOU are dignified, the rest, well, I think that they THINK they are more dignified than they really are! LOL~!
Thanks, T;-)
Great pictures of Nikki, Teresa!
Thanks Jean-Luc!
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