Sunday, September 5, 2010

Hurricane Earl Hits My Doorstep

Hurricane Earl Hits Fox Point, Nova Scotia.
Hurricane Earl just passed us by here in Nova Scotia, and it was pretty intense. I think it's the first hurricane I've ever been in, the closest I had ever come before were some tropical storms I experienced when we lived outside of Fredericton, New Brunswick in the nineties.

Since the storm struck during the day, it was more interesting, as you could see it progress as the day went on.

When I woke up at seven thirty, there was hardly any wind and it was just sprinkling lightly. But within fifteen minutes, you could see the wind picking up (now I really know what is meant by the term 'gathering steam'!) and the rain started to intensify as well.

Sunrise before Hurricane Earl by Corinne Oullette.
About two and half hours later, the power went out... (not so bad in the middle of the day and in the summer, it's been hot and muggy, so the storm is cooling it down a bit.)

One interesting thing about this is that I really noticed the 'calm before the storm' effect that I'd always heard about! There was no birdsong other than the seagulls, and I think they were really enjoy soaring in the winds above the surf... Maybe seagulls are the 'surfer dudes' of the bird kingdom!
Searching For An Exit - Sept.2010.

A friend of mine took a beautiful shot of the sunrise on Friday morning, prior to Earl moving into the neighbourhood, and the weather looked great.  If we didn't have meteorologists and old farmer's almanac guys, you'd never even know a storm was coming in!

Well, after I wrote this, the hurricane got progressively worse, apparently, it tracked further east than was expected and hit Lunenburg county, which is where I am, bang on! We got hit with a category one, and there were idiots out there surfing! Unfortunately, I didn't get any shots of them, I thought two fools out there in a hurricane were enough without me joining in!
Online Entity - Sept.2010.
Our power ended up being out for 26 and half hours, which is not convenient at all... You don't realize exactly how much you need electricity to live in this day and age until you have to do without it for an extended period of time.

Mind you, I do one thing that really works very well for me in a non-electric situation, as long as it's daylight... I got a lot of painting done for one day, that was for sure!  Have a look, I've also added in one that I started but haven't finished yet.

Photo Images 1 and 2 - by Teresa Young.
Totem Tumble - In Progress.
Flowing Free - Sept.2010.

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