Confidence In Motion-Feb.2012- by Teresa Young |
Clown College shown at ARTOUR-O in Florence. |
I've really found that it can inspire you to create more art to look at what other creative people are up to online!
Something To Do With Creepy Staring Eyes, Feb.2012-by Teresa Young |
Earlier this year, I created a lovely acrylic painting an art contest run by Subaru Canada that finished with an exhibition at the Toronto Auto Show. While I didn't win, it was fun to get my artwork out there and have people see it in a non-typical setting! Confidence In Motion was my entry into the contest;-) I finally finished my glass painting of an eye, had a bit of trouble finding a title for the work, and in fact, I became attached to the working title I had put on it, so I decided to keep it!
Sunrise of Symbology, Mar.2012 -by Teresa Young. |
Entubation, Mar.2012 -by Teresa Young. |
I exhibited a couple of paintings in a group exhibition in Florence at the beginning of March, Vivid Arts: A Retrospective, as part of the ARTOUR-O Florence 2012 Temporary Museum of Contemporary Art Auditorium al Duomo Via de' Cerretani, Italy.
Lately though, I've been spending time on DeviantArt, getting to know other artists. My site there has grown, and does contain a fair amount of work I don't have on my regular site. As the loading times and storage there seems to be a bit better for usability.
Exhale, March 2012 -by Teresa Young. |
A Particular Venom-March 2012, by Teresa Young |
Cut To The Quick, March 2012-by Teresa Young. |
Dreams of Lothlorien, March 2012-by Teresa Young. |