Monday, July 8, 2013

Peggy's Cove Festival of the Arts - July 11th to 21st

We have the Peggy's Cove Festival of the Arts going once again and our Opening Gala on Thursday, July 11th at Shining Waters Marina in Tantallon, NS. Tickets are $20 and are available through the PCAFA website.

There will be a silent auction of arts and crafts, with six member artists will be demonstrating art at the event. I'll be one of the artists demoing, the theme is fish based art, and since I like painting, (and not fish, generally!) I'll be stretching that definition by working on an acrylic painting of a mermaid;-) There will also be a live band, a silent auction, a fish tank game, and other things going on at the gala, so if you are in the area around that time, don't miss it!

Events will be going on throughout the festival, including live band concerts, the Paint Peggy's Cove weekend event, and other events.  I'm just pasting the descriptions from the website here because they certainly explain it clearer than I could!
Primarily a “coastal festival’ - this is an early summer celebration of the wealth of artistic talent in an area just south of Halifax, Nova Scotia. The focal point is our beautiful St. Margaret’s Bay with its iconic Peggy’s Cove Lighthouse.

Our resident artists live along Highway #333 (Prospect Rd. - Peggy’s Cove Rd.) parts of Highway #3 (Hubley to East River) and the Hammond’s Plains Rd south of Pockwock Rd. or on the many sideroads leading to picturesque villages. Our STUDIO TOUR  2013 extends from Prospect to East River, following the coast. See our Get Involved page for details.

We offer two weekends of signature events - Paint Peggy’s Cove and a Studio Tour, along with a feature concert. Plans for mid-week activities are in the works. Our festival is growing!  We plan to make waves on the art scene here in Nova Scotia!

The festival is also a celebration of fine artisans, musicians and performance artists. Concerts, demonstrations and workshops will become part of the event over time. In this area so near Halifax, you’ll find over 70 artists living in a wonderful setting where forested hills meet the sparkling Atlantic Ocean.

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