Well, I've been painting a lot and if I'm painting I don't seem to be able to switch gears and write.
Since I don't have any earth shattering opinions to mull over or profound observations, I thought I'd just do a post about my current artworks and about my friend the writer being stuck in Switzerland.
I've also just been notified that some of my pieces were accepted into another on-line exhibition! The show is called Ultraviolence and is online now. The show is about the violence inherent everywhere I believe. The link to my work is here click here. (The previous exhibition I blogged about this month is still online, if you want to take a look.)
The first piece in my submissions is my gagged lady... The name of the piece is The Wheels Are Turning and it was really an expression of my frustration at my last IT job. I felt the politics swirling around me, and felt that I had very little say in things that directly affected me. An old story with an IT corporate type of job, I had seen a number of close friends get downsized over the years, so that only added to my feelings of powerlessness and frustration.
Whatever happens to me in the future, I believe it was the healthiest choice I've ever made, because once you get stuck in a corner (much like a floor painter painting themselves into no escape!), you can feel like your are slowly dying if you aren't careful.

This is much more viable for me as I rent, I don't own a house and I'd like to have portable examples of the glassworks. Take a look at my first stab at this, the piece isn't quite finished, but it's very pretty and can be moved. Unfortunately, the photos still don't do them justice, my on-going struggle to capture the beauty of the glass work continues, slight improvements, but I'm still not getting the full effect.

Images (all paintings by Teresa Young):
1. Mystic Dragon - 6 Apr.10, 2. Reclining Reflections - 24 Mar.10, 3. Unnamed abstract - 17 Apr.10, 4. Unnamed Abstract - circular - 7 Apr.10, 5. Unnamed abstract - 7 Apr.10, 6. Chocolate Rhymes - 18 Apr.10, 7. Unnamed Abstract - circular - 14 Apr.10, 8. Another Unnamed abstract - 17 Apr.10, 9. The Wheels Are Turning - 6 Mar.09, 10. Unfinished Painted Glass - 20 Apr.10, 11. Unnamed Abstract - 14 Apr.10.
Great post! I hope your friend makes it home safe. Lots of luck!
Thanks Dar! I'm still waiting to see if she can make it back to North America. Apparently, they've started flying some people out, but it's quite a backlog and a slow process.
Awesome artwork! What in the world are you doing in the IT world when you are such a gifted artist who should be teaching maybe? Beautiful work and love the glass work. Thanks for posting the eye candy treats!
You're welcome Denny! Actually, I'm in the process of trying to get an art career going after many years in IT. I'm hoping to switch things around and have IT as a sideline and art as my main career eventually.
But you're right, I'd really love to teach art. I'm a very good teacher, I think I'd like to teach the glass painting once I get my techniques perfected!
Have a good one!
Thanks for the well wishes, Teresa and Darlene! I did finally make it back, but not before having one great time in Switzerland! People were so nice to me. I will not forget their kindness... oh and the food was good too! LOL!
Toulouse and I will have to go back soon... he misses his cafe creme...
Here is my post on it: http://sfgirl-thealiennextdoor.blogspot.com/2010/05/eyjafjallajokull-volcano-gift-of.html
Your friend,
Thanks for commenting Nina! I'm glad you finally made it back to North America... Too bad you couldn't bring that great coffee back with you!
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